Nestled between Capo Mele and Capo Mimosa, the small town of Andora is a renowned seaside resort on the Palm Riviera which has often been awarded the Blue Flag for the quality of the sea and features glorious spacious sandy beaches.
The ideal destination for a wonderfully relaxing holiday with countless activities for sports enthusiasts such as surfing, windsurf, kite surf, fishing, diving, MTB, trekking and nordic walking along the marvellous pathways that cross the inland areas and the hills overlooking the sea.
Andora is not just a sea resort and boasts some interesting cultural destinations with the Romanesque church of Saints James and Philip, the medieval Clavesana Castle, the Saracen tower, the Roman bridge and the remains of the Roman aqueduct.
Another place to visit is the beautiful hamlet of Colla Micheri nestled in the rolling hills between Andora and Laigueglia, chosen as his home by the Norwegian explorer Thor Eyerdahl, and the hamlet of Rollo, located between Andora and Cervo, from where it is possible to enjoy stunning views of the Andora Gulf.